How to install App...
What is a PWA app? To put it simple it is basically a normal web site without an address bar. It has a look and feel of a desktop app, but can work both online and offline. This App cannot work offline.
Firefox and Opera does not support PWA out of the box. AFAIK.

Install on Chrome...
On latest Chrome on Mac you only have to say YES twice. Done. On older Chrome and Chrome on Windows 10/11, you have to manually install the App. Chrome on Android you "install App" in the meatball menu (ยทยทยท}. And on ChromOS you click on an icon in the address bar to install.

Install on Edge...
On Edge you have to add an App afterwards by install App.

Install on Safari...
Also on Safari, you have to add an App afterwards by "sharing" both on desktop and iPhone.